As a religious teacher and mother I want to make a difference for LGBT people
Email sent to us by Donatella
Thank you very much Nazarene! Reading your words, which I fully agree with, it seemed to me that you were describing my situation, even if from a different point of view, because I teach Religion in Primary School and I am a mother of two gay boys aged 29 and 27.
I'll tell you, for me too there is the struggle of hiding when I find myself talking to colleagues who ask you about your children and many times I found myself on the verge of telling the truth, then thinking about the fact that I would have changed my relationships forever. with everyone, perhaps understood by some, but perhaps criticized by most or worse still pitied! Not to mention the fear of losing your job!
And then I carry on with those little lies that weigh on me so much, but allow me to hopefully reach the end of my career...
But one thing I want to tell you: since I learned from my children about their sexual orientation, my work has never been the same! I understood what God's plan for me truly was, He who wanted me to be a religion teacher with a new awareness!
I was called to initially accept a new heavy reality, which over time transformed into an opportunity to help the children that the Lord entrusted to me to open their young minds, to fight against stereotypes and prejudices which are the cause of so many misunderstandings and discrimination !
And so every time the opportunity presents itself, through their questions or simply listening to words like gay or lesbian said as insults come out of their mouths, I feel called personally to talk about gays, lesbians or other people considered from too many "different" in a positive way, always keeping in mind the fact that those who discriminate often don't know, just like what happened to me!
I assure you that this new way of working is giving me great satisfaction and has helped me to value the quality rather than the quantity of my being a teacher!
And, God willing, this is the path I want to take all the way!
I thank you again and I hug you tightly! Greetings dear! Donatella
> Voices and reflections from religious teachers on IRC Arcobaleno