Category: Consecrated lives

An obstacle course. The religious vocation and transgender people in the Catholic church

Article by Ariell Watson Simon* published on the website of the Catholic LGBT association New Ways Ministry (United States) on 6 November 2024, freely translated by Giacomo Tessaro “Soy un hombre transgénero” (I am a transgender man) said Maxwell Kuzma to Pope Francis when they shook hands in St. Peter's Square during a general audience in late October (2024). Maxwell is one of...

In May 2023, in the monthly magazine Jesus, an investigation into "We gay priests who love the church"

. The Catholic monthly JESUS ​​of May 2023 presents an extensive investigation entitled "WE, GAY PRIESTS WHO LOVE THE CHURCH", seven pages full of testimonies and reflections, collected by Vittoria Priscindaro, which start from the "document for the Synodal Path signed by fifty priests Italian homosexuals with whom they wanted to open the debate to overcome silences and contradictions" in consecrated life on these...

Discovering yourself as a priest and gay, a path of spiritual transition

Testimony of Don Giuseppe taken from the book Consecrated Loves. Testimonies of homosexual nuns, friars and priests in Italy, edited by Franco Barbero, Gabrielli Editori, 2019, pp. 27-30 My name is Giuseppe, Don Giuseppe for many, or simply "the don". I would like to start with the end. Having made peace with the homosexual reality helped me understand my whole life...

Men of the Church, between masculinity and the priestly ideal

Article by Josselin Tricou* published on the EHNE website – Encyclopédie d'histoire numérique de l'Europe (France) on 22 June 2020, freely translated by Massimo de Il ramo del Mandorlo di Roma The priestly ideal (from the Latin sacer: sacred , separated), founded on the clergy/lay separation, has shaped and legitimized the atypical masculinity of Catholic clerics of the Latin rite. The Roman Catholic Church knew...