“Behold, your mother and your brothers are outside, wanting to speak to you” (Matthew 12:46-50)
Riflessioni bibliche di Mauro Leonardi*, prete e scrittore
Like Mary, we are called to make God the Lord of our life: this makes us children of God and brothers and puts us to follow Jesus. To enter into the glory of the Trinity, ties of blood or sharing a path or belonging to a natural or religious family, but the humility that leads us to recognize ourselves as children and encourages us to do the will of the Father, every day, in our daily lives.
From the Gospel according to Matthew 12:46-50
While he was still speaking to the crowd, his mother and brothers, standing apart outside, tried to speak to him. Someone said to him: "Here are your mother and your brothers outside who want to talk to you." And he, answering those who informed him, said: "Who is my mother and who are my brothers?". Then stretching out his hand towards his disciples he said: «Here are my mother and here are my brothers; because whoever does the will of my Father who is in heaven is my brother, sister and mother."
* Mauro Leonardi (Como 1959) è sacerdote dal 29 maggio 1988 e da allora abita a Roma. Passa molte ore della sua giornata a fare il prete e predilige costruire ponti piuttosto che innalzare muri. Da anni scrive racconti, articoli, saggi e libri che ruotano intorno al rapporto tra l’uomo e Dio. Autore del blog Come Gesù. Abelis (Lindau) è il suo ultimo romanzo. I volontari del Progetto Gionata lo ringraziano per aver voluto condividere con noi queste sue riflessioni sulla Parola.