Tagged: IRC Rainbow

"The truth will set you free” reminds us of the Gospel, because what we don't talk about doesn't exist, it creates hypocrisy and generates monsters. That's why he was born IRC RAINBOW, a web space in which we have decided to host and tell stories, reflections and experiences lived by religious teachers which, even today, cannot be discussed, addressed and shared openly in the Catholic Church, otherwise we risk sanctions and the same place of Work.
We have decided to speak out so that our Catholic Church begins to deal with a reality that it still does not want to see. Read their stories on this page, ask your questions and if you want add your contribution, even anonymously, by writing to gionatanews@gmail.com. Do you accept our invitation?

In Catholic schools it is time to commit to the inclusion of LGBT+ people

Article by Ish Ruiz published on the LGBT+ Catholic Resources Outreach Portal (United States) on May 1, 2022, freely translated by Alessandra E. Over the past decade, I have been fortunate to serve LGBTQ+ individuals in Catholic high schools. Although it has been challenging, my life and work as an educator have been enriched by the gifts brought by...

LGBT+ issues in the new national education and research contract

Reflections by Pasquale Nascenti for IRC Arcobaleno The hypothesis of the new National Collective Labor Agreement - Education and Research Sector, (click here to read the text) signed on 14 July between Aran (representing the Public Administration) and the Organizations Representative trade unions (five out of six in favour: Cgil, Cisl, Snals, Gilda, Anief; Uil did not deem it appropriate to sign) contains...