Vote for Bible verse that will unite prayer vigils to overcome homophobia 2025
Vote online for the Bible verse that will guide the prayer vigils and Sunday services in May 2025, dedicated to overcoming the violence of homotransbiphobia and all forms of discrimination.
Since 2007, believers from various denominations – Waldensians, Catholics, Methodists, Baptists, and many others – have come together in May to pray alongside LGBT+ Christians and their families, breaking the silence that fosters suffering and violence.
The vigils are moments of shared witness: spaces where prayer turns into action and the Gospel sheds light on the darkness of prejudice.
Choose your favorite Bible verse from those submitted and selected by an ecumenical committee. You can vote for up to three verses online at by Monday, January 6, 2025, and spread the word!
The most-voted verse will symbolize this year’s commitment to uniting communities and individuals of goodwill in remembering the victims of homotransbiphobia and building a more inclusive future.
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