“Out of love for the truth that resides in our hearts” Open letter to Pope Francis from Catholic parents of LGBT children Italian
Open letter to Pope Francis from the fathers and mothers of the 3VolteGenitori network, the Italian national network of Christian parents of LGBT children, dated 17th March 2021
Dear Pope Francis, As Catholic parents of LGBT children, we cannot remain silent in the face of the suffering caused by the Responsum of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on the blessing of homosexual couples, issued on 15th March 2021.
Following your words of warm welcome and paternal affection during our meeting last September (2020) when we proudly presented you with the publication titled Lucky Parents: the testimonies of Christian parents struggling with the discovery of homosexual children – many of us were present for that encounter – the writing in question came about like when a storm hits hard and without warning in the initial warm days of spring while the flowers are beginning to bloom.
Nonetheless, the tree of our love as fathers and mothers has very deep roots and it will be that love that will guide us and help us find the way. In this, we are inspired by Rebecca who was able to find a way to have her son Jacob blessed by the almost blinded Isaac who had the authority to do so and pronounced these words (Gen 27: 27-29):
“Ah, the fragrance of my son
is like the fragrance of a field
that the LORD has blessed!
May God give to you
of the dew of the heavens
And of the fertility of the earth
abundance of grain and wine.
May peoples serve you,
and nations bow down to you.
Cursed be those who curse you,
and blessed be those who bless you.”
Yes, for us blessing means “to say good things” and we can only say positive things about our children who are full of sensitivity and attention, at times even capable of bearing witness to faith and hope against all hope.
For us, blessing also means recognizing the good that resides within them as well as their ability to love and offer themselves, to be faithful, to establish goals and create a life plan. When this occurs, we see them serene, at peace with themselves and with society around them.
Through their loving relationship, we see them flourish and fulfil the first and fundamental vocation of everyone: to be loved for who we are, to love oneself in order to be able to love others. This is the reality our eyes were able to see and witness in the lives of so many couples. This is the happiness of our hearts as parents!
It troubles us and deeply pains us to see the stone of ‘sin’ cast at them once again because they live fully and truthfully their sexual identity which was not their choice. This act seems to us a profound contradiction to the love and mercy of God the Father, even more so without having listened deeply, with mind and heart, to this reality.
If Mother Church does not have the ‘power’ to bless this love, we as parents, who are called to listen and support our children, can bless them today and always and we are ready to find a ‘sacramental’ to do so.
In doing so, we will ask our children to live their love with their heads held high and in a visible manner so that even their love can be a sign and witness of God’s love for his people.
This is what we would like to say to you, Your Holiness, and to the fellow Bishops, speaking from heart to heart, out of love for the truth that resides in our hearts and the dignity of our sons and daughters.
With paternal and maternal affection,
The lucky parents of the ‘3VolteGenitori’ network
3volteGenitori, Rete nazionale di genitori cristiani con figli e figlie Lgbt
Email: info.3vgenitori@gmail.com
Web Site: https://www.gionata.org/3voltegenitori/
Text Original: Papa Francesco come genitori cattolici con figli Lgbt non possiamo tacere davanti a queste parole!