Categoria: Original news

Drachma, catholic group for LGBT+ of Malta, celebrate International Day Against Homophobia with a special prayer meeting

Drachma, catholic group for LGBT+ of Malta, celebrate International Day Against Homophobia with a special prayer meeting on wednesday 17 may 2023 at 7.30 p.m. at the University Chapel. The group also called on LGBT people who are, or have been, victims of homophobia to attend and extended its invitation to their parents, family and friends. The group hopes the...

En Madrid (España) velaremos por la LGTBIfobia con un vía lucis de cinco estaciones

Desde el 2007, las comunidades cristianas y los cristianos LGBTI+ se movilizan en todo el mundo el 17 de mayo, día internacional contra la homofobia y la transfobia (IDAHOT), para recordar a las víctimas de la homo/bi/transfobia para que nuestras comunidades cristianas sepan dar cabida a tod@s, para convertirse en » cada vez más santuarios de acogida y apoyo para las personas LGBT...

The vigils and services for overcoming homophobia, biphobia and transphobia that will take place in May 2023

Dear friends, At this moment, when it appears that our lives have been disrupted in so many ways, we should take pause to remember that despite our differences, we are all connected. The vibrant hues of the rainbow flags remind us that we are all beautiful, diverse and deserving of respect. Although these times can be filled with uncertainty and...

“Qui vous accueille m’accueille ; et qui m’accueille accueille Celui qui m’a envoyé” (Matthieu 10,40)

“Qui vous accueille m’accueille ; et qui m’accueille accueille Celui qui m’a envoyé.” (Matthieu 10,40), voici le verset biblique qui a reçu le plus de préférences lors du vote en ligne, et qui unira les veillées et les cultes pour le dépassement de l’homo-bi-transphobie qui auront lieu pendant le mois de mai 2023.  Cette année aussi la Commission foi et...

“Whoever welcomes you welcomes me” (Matthew 10:40) Vigils IDAHOT 2023

“Whoever welcomes you welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me” (Matthew 10:40) is the biblical verse that has received the most votes and that will unite the vigils and services for overcoming homophobia, biphobia and transphobia that will take place in May 2023. Once again this year the Faith and Homosexuality Commission of the Baptist, Methodist and...